AGM & International Congress
Take a look at the various activities we have planned for the week in Kunming, China. Please double-check the availability for any events you are interested in, as some may be exclusive to members.
Keep in mind that the schedules are not final and may change, so we recommend staying updated through our various communication channels, including social media, our newsletter, and the official website of the AGM & International Congress.

April 5
Learn, Share, and Connect during this full-day workshop. Enjoy five lectures on Plant Breeders’ Opportunities in China’s Market – The ABC of Success!
Eligibility: Public event
Please notice that there are different rates for members and guests.
Single tickets are available for this event
April 6
AGM Administrative Part, Crop Sections, Lawyers Panel & Working Groups
The second day will start with the Crop Section and Working Group meetings. The schedule includes sessions for Crop Section Cut Flowers, IRBA (Roses), Fruit, Working Group on Enforcement, and Lawyers Panel.
After lunch, we will hold the Annual General Meeting - Administrative Part. During this meeting, the CIOPORA Office will present the work completed over the past year and outline projects for 2025. The day will conclude with an internal discussion on intellectual property.
Eligibility: CIOPORA Members

April 7 & 8

Business Excursions
For the first time, the AGM & International Congress will dedicate two entire days to visiting fields and meeting authorities in China. These activities represent an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Chinese business landscape of international companies, gain firsthand information from authorities in China, and explore B2B opportunities.
Eligibility: Public
April 9
Public Conference
Cultivating Success: Navigating China’s Horticultural Business & IP Landscape. Under this title, the final and culminating day of the AGM & International Congress, Kunming 2025, will bring together speakers providing key insights to help explore business opportunities in China.
Eligibility: Public
Single tickets are available for this event