CIOPORA held elections for a new Board and President during the association’s 56th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held April 24-28 in Toronto. Steve Hutton, President and CEO of Star® Roses & Plants/Conard-Pyle of the USA, was elected President of CIOPORA. The following individuals complete the Board, which will serve CIOPORA from 2017-2020:
Wendy Cashmore, Plant & Food Research (New Zealand) – Vice President
Per Klemm, Selecta One (Germany) – Vice President
Dominique Thévenon, A.I.G.N. (USA) – Treasurer
Bruno Etavard, Meilland International (France)
Lars Henriksen, FloriPartner A/S (Denmark)
Rafi Karniel, Grapa Varieties (Israel)
Maarten Leune, Royalty Administration International (The Netherlands)
Jan de Riek, ILVO (Belgium)
Dean Rule, Conectiflor SA (Ecuador)
Peter van der Weijden, Florist Holland and HilverdaKooij (The Netherlands)
Andrea Mansuino, the predecessor of Hutton, will also remain on the Board as immediate past president. Seventy-four members – either in person or via proxy – cast their ballots during the election which took place on Wednesday, April 26.
More than 120 International Breeders and IP Experts Gather During AGM
Beyond elections, the CIOPORA AGM 2017 consisted of crop section and working group meetings, educational programming through the CIOPORA Academy, three special networking events, a full-day public conference, business excursions and other events which took place April 24-28. In all, more than 120 plant breeders, government officials and intellectual property experts from 23 nations.
AGM 2018 will take place in Ghent, Belgium, from April 23-27.