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Crop Section Cut Flowers: Cut Flower Breeders Invited to Kick-off Meeting at IFTF 2018


The CIOPORA Crop Section (CS) Gypsophila is expanding its activities to all cut flowers (except cut rose) and invites all cut flower breeders to join.

The kick-off meeting of the enlarged interest group will take place at the premises of IFTF 2018 in Vijfhuizen at 17:30 on November 6. The tentative agenda of the meeting includes discussion of the joint enforcement activities, presentation of the Gypsophila DNA Database project and a report on the CIOPORA mission to China.

We invite all interested cut flower breeders, both CIOPORA members and non-members, to RSVP to the CIOPORA office by October 24.

CIOPORA Crop Sections are the association’s crop-specific interest groups. Such groups serve as a platform for joint projects, enforcement activities, as well as analysis and reporting of the crop-specific challenges. The CS Gypsophila has successfully completed its task in creating a gypsophila DNA database. With the launch of the expanded CS Cut Flowers, CIOPORA is aiming at a further development of its knowledge and capacities in cut flowers and receiving input as to the Plant Variety Protection for such crops directly from breeders.

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