CIOPORA, together with its Israeli members Danziger and Grapa Varieties, invites local plant breeders to the 1st CIOPORA Israeli Plant Breeder Meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2018, at 4:30 pm in Benyamina.
During a two-hour meeting followed by an open discussion of PVR-related issues and a networking dinner, plant breeders will be provided with a comprehensive overview of IP topics, including:
Systems of IP protection for plant innovations: including Plant Breeders' Rights, Plant Patents (USA) and Trademarks;
European Market: The latest developments in the European PVP regime and the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO);
UPOV: The latest developments in the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) and the UPOV Prisma PBR Application tool;
Key countries: The current state of affairs in national Plant Variety Protection (PVP) regimes in such important production territories as China, India, Mexico, and Latin America;
The CIOPORA positions and its activities as to the promotion of PVP in the aforementioned territories.
The registration for the meeting is open and plant breeders are heartily invited to register: