January 25, Hamburg/Hanover - The CIOPORA Germany members are heartily invited to join the association's Annual General Meeting on February 21-22, 2019, in Hanover.

A 1,5-day meeting, that traditionally takes place in the Tagungshotel Der Föhrenhof in the Lower Saxony capital, will begin with a visit at the Institute of Horticulture Production Systems (1 pm, Feb 21). After the tour of the Institute's facilities, the participants will be invited to join the meetings at the hotel (3:45 pm). All meetings are held in German.
The program of the event's open part will feature the following presentations:
16:15 - Dr. S. Schröpfer (Institut für Züchtungsforschung an Obst, Dresden-Pillnitz) „CRISPR/Cas9 für die Züchtung von Obstsorten?“/„The use of CRISPR/Cas9 in fruit breeding?“
17:00 - Herr Dr. E. Krieger (Generalsekretär von CIOPORA, Hamburg) „Schutzrechte für Pflanzeninnovationen in den USA“ / „IP Protection for Plant Innovations in the US“
17:45 - Herr M. Hermes (Landgard Service GmbH, Straelen-Herongen) „Generische Werbung: Statusbericht der Initiative Blumen-1000 gute Gründe“ / „Generic Advertisement: Status Report of the Initiative "Blumen-1000 gute Gründe“
18:30 - Vorstellung des Mitgliedsbetriebes Selecta One, Stuttgart / Selecta One employees introduce the company.
The meeting documents available for download in the member area.
Picture: Pixabay.com, CC 00