On December 8, CIOPORA members and supporters are invited to join the final 2021 event of the CIOPORA IP Forum series. The event will discuss the latest development in UPOV and UPOV PRISMA, including:
UPOV Draft Explanatory Notes on Essentially Derived Varieties - status quo
UPOV's plans for the Working Group on harvested material and the unauthorized use of propagating material
PLUTO Database re-launch 2021
UPOV PRISMA - recent developments and user perspectives.
The panel will include Peter Button, Vice Secretary-General of UPOV, as well as CIOPORA Secretary General Dr. Edgar Krieger, CIOPORA President Steven Hutton (moderator), and CIOPORA members Charlotte Plasman (AOMB) and Iulia Negoita (Global Plant Genetics).
Registration by invitation only (please use the link from your invitation email from November 18).
Not a member but want to get an invite? Reach out to us!