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CIOPORA Launches the IP Forum Series 2021

Writer's picture: CIOPORACIOPORA

Hamburg, May 25 - CIOPORA is launching a series of member-exclusive virtual events to facilitate the dialogue on Intellectual Property for plant innovations between breeders, policymakers, and IP specialists. Six events of the IP Forum 2021 Series will address the latest developments in Plant Variety Protection in such priority countries as the USA and China, the current debates in UPOV, and the future of IP for plants. Two events in the series will go beyond the IP topics, exploring the interplay between plant innovation and market trends, such as the future consumer demographics and plant breeding for the changing climate. The events aim to forgo the webinar format engaging panelists and participants in interactive discussions.

CIOPORA members can now register for the first event in the 2021 Series: New Developments in the US PVPO and USPTO on June 15:

When? 2 - 3:30 PM (EDT) on June 15 - Check your time zone.


  • Jeffery Haynes, Commissioner, Plant Variety Protection Office, AMS Science and Technology Program, USDA, USA

  • Kaylee Lewis, Plant Variety Examiner, Vegetative Varieties, Plant Variety Protection Office, AMS Science and Technology Program, USDA, USA

  • Christian Hannon, Patent Attorney with the USPTO's Office of Policy and International Affairs (OPIA), USA

  • Shubo (Joe) Zhou, Supervisory Patent Examiner, USPTO, USA

  • Audrey Charles, Patent Agent and Trademark Manager, Ball Horticultural Company, USA

  • Dr. Edgar Krieger, CIOPORA Secretary General

  • Moderator: Steven Hutton, CIOPORA President, USA.


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