CIOPORA members are invited to register for participation in the International workshop on the India – EU collaboration in Plant Variety Protection, jointly organized by the Indian Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority, the German and Dutch Ministries of Agriculture, and CPVO. The two-day workshop, scheduled for February 22 and 23 in New Dehli, is aimed at improving understanding of the European and Indian PVP systems, the discussion of a further system harmonization, as well as providing a platform for direct participation of plant breeders and their organizations, such as CIOPORA, ESA, BDP and Plantum, in the multilateral debate on the future of Indian PVP. CIOPORA members are invited to register for participation in the workshop via informal notification of the CIOPORA office via email. Further information will be provided on demand.

Currently, India is not a member of UPOV. In 2002, to comply with the requirements of the TRIPs agreement, the country established an alternative sui generis system of PVP under its Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act. Along with new varieties, as defined by the UPOV Convention, Indian PVP legislation allows for registration of extant varieties, i.a. varieties of common knowledge and the so-called farmers’ varieties, whereas farmers are recognized as breeders of the varieties they domesticate, conserve, and cultivate. Recognizing the role of effective PVP protection and access to the quality propagating material for the development of the horticultural sector and access, in 2013, Indian and German authorities signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation in agriculture committing to partnership and exchange of experience as to PVP and DUS testing. In 2015, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture joined the agreement.
Presently, the partners are assessing the possibility for mutual and reciprocal recognition of registered plant varieties, which requires a deeper understanding of the national PVP laws and related procedures. The upcoming workshop in New Dehli will open with a general introduction into the Indian market, the current PVP law, current developments in agriculture and horticulture, and the development objectives. Both Indian and European breeder associations will be invited to provide input as to their vision of the future development and cooperation.
Program of the Workshop:
Day 1 – open to registered persons
1. Introduction: the Indian market for propagation materials (seeds, fruits, and ornamentals), PPV&FR law, objectives and current developments by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare/PVP&FRA
2. General introduction of UPOV, key elements of the UPOV Convention for delivering benefits to society by Mr. Peter Button, Vice Secretary-General, UPOV
3. Explanation of the EU (CPVO) system as a regional system and current developments: How has the EU implemented UPOV?
4. Wrap-up of the morning session: Q&A’s to the speakers
5. Farmers’ Association, India: vision, ambitions
6. Breeders Association, India: vision, ambitions
7. Breeders Associations from the EU (BDP, CIOPORA, ESA, Plantum): vision and ways forward
8. Panel discussion, Indian PVP&FR law, and the UPOV Convention. Goal: reciprocally improved understanding.
Day 2 – by invitation only
1. Legal session, topics for further collaboration; feedback on the topics discussed on Day 1. In-depth study/discussion/comparison of Indian PVP&FR law, the EU Community Plant Variety Regulation, and the UPOV convention with representatives of CPVO, UPOV, Plantum, BDP, CIOPORA, ESA, Germany, and the Netherlands
2. Recommendations of the workshop.