After this year’s successful Annual General Meeting in Marrakesh the next CIOPORA AGM in 2025 will take place in Kunming, China, from April 5 – 9.
Marrakech.- More than 120 people gathered at CIOPORA's Annual General Meeting, held in Marrakech from April 15 to 19. Over the course of five days, attendees enjoyed high-level discussion sessions on innovation and plant breeders' rights, and a unique environment to network, socialize and strengthen their contacts with key stakeholders in the sector.

This edition had a special focus on Africa, providing important insights into the current IP landscape of the continent and the main challenges breeders face when they want to obtain a PBR or commercialize their varieties. On Wednesday morning, in a session exclusive to CIOPORA members, UPOV, ONSSA, CPVO, US-PVPO and USPTO and ARIPO, among others, shared the latest updates within their offices and countries with the attendees.
The week of course also focussed on Morocco and the impact of the famous mandarin variety Nadorcott on the agricultural sector. The attendees heard from firsthand the story of the creation of this mandarin variety, the long way to get the PBR, the challenges during the examination period and the worldwide dispute about EDV, and concluded this topic with a visit to a mandarin farm where the first Nadorcott tree is still alive.
“Once again, the CIOPORA AGM gathered the main stakeholders of our sector to discuss breeding innovation and plant breeders’ rights. CIOPORA is a unique space where breeders worldwide come together with IP experts and authorities to share their experiences and work together to improve protection for plant breeders,” explained the Secretary General of CIOPORA, Dr. Edgar Krieger.
For Edgar Krieger, Marrakesh was the 20th Annual General Meeting, and he was caught by surprise when CIOPORA President Wendy Cashmore awarded him with the CIOPORA Silver Pin for 20 years of service to the association.
During the session, the date and location for the CIOPORA AGM 2025 were announced: In 2025, the plant breeder community will gather in Kunming, China from April 5 to 9 to discuss up-to-date topics, with a special focus on China, its opportunities, and challenges for breeders.
Upcoming Events for the Plant Breeders' Sector
For the rest of this year, CIOPORA has already launched its upcoming activities, including workshops and webinars. The nearest upcoming event is the CIOPORA Academy Webinar Series, which will focus on Strategies for PBR and Trademark Enforcement. This first round of webinars will be held in June, and the second part of the program will come up in September.
Additionally, on October 7th, the CIOPORA Academy Workshop will return to Madrid with a full day of learning on plant variety protection, with a special focus on fruits. The activities of the Academy will finish in November with the CIOPORA Breeding Academy. For more information on the CIOPORA Academy, please visit the website
As a novelty, this year, the association will introduce the "Ask Me About" online sessions, an activity exclusive to CIOPORA members. During these sessions, members will be able to talk with leading experts from the plant breeding sector about selected topics, giving them the chance to ask about anything.
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CIOPORA: Uniting Breeders, Protecting Innovation.
CIOPORA is the International Association of Breeders of Asexually Reproduced Horticultural Varieties. Breeders of such varieties account for two-thirds of all Plant Variety Rights (PVR) titles in the world. For over 60 years, CIOPORA has represented these breeders in all matters of Intellectual Property (IP) protection and aims to foster an environment in which the innovation of these breeders can flourish. CIOPORA is a member-based, non-profit organization.
The CIOPORA Academy is a specialized international education program on IP for plants tailored to the needs of the green sector. The formats include small-group workshops and live webinars. Our learner community consists of plant breeders and other participants of the horticultural value chain, as well as IP lawyers and patent attorneys. With its unique workshop and webinar programs frequented by over 500 professionals from over 25 countries, the CIOPORA Academy aspires to be a global reference program on IP for the green business.
Press contact:
Mr. Andrés Velásquez
Director PR and Communications
Tel: +49 40 555 63 702