Hamburg, October 15 - More than 100 CIOPORA members from 80 companies and organizations took part in the CIOPORA's first Online Plant Variety Protection Forum. With the help of expert speakers, the members received an extensive update on the most pressing issues in Intellectual Property protection for plants.

The consequences of the Nadorcott case for breeders were extensively discussed in contributions by Dr Edgar Krieger (CIOPORA Secretary General) and Pedro Tent Alonso (Partner at Garrigues). A report on prospects of the European IP policies, in particular in respect of a possible CPVR review, was delivered by Paivi Mannerkorpi, the Team Leader at DG SANTE, the European Commission.
In view of the revision of the UPOV Explanatory Notes on Essentially Derived Varieties (EDV), the participants were given a detailed report on the work of the EDV task force and a possible balanced solution for EDV concept at UPOV level - a presentation by Prof Dr Sven Bostyn of the University of Copenhagen.
Finally, the details and the consequences of the "blocky pepper" case (G 3/19) for patentability of plants in the EU were summarized in a presentation by the European Patent Attorney Mark van Eekelen (AOMB Intellectual Property).
CIOPORA members are invited to download the presentation package in the member area (login required).
Download the CIOPORA PVP Forum agenda.